Matchmaking for professionals
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Dating > Matchmaking for professionals
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Welcome to arrive our page for matchmaking service now. Some matchmakers have taken these lessons to heart — turning their companies into seven-figure businesses. We are an old-school Matchmaking firm with a modern mindset and work with successful men and women who are looking for committed relationships in an offline, confidential experience.
You're in the right place. Conference attendees share their expertise, discuss the future of matchmaking, and generally have a good time together. Whether you are seeking someone with a Japanese background, are here straight from the Resistance of the Rising Sun, or have experience living and working in Japan, we are here to help you find love. You may not authorize others to use your membership, and you may not assign or otherwise transfer your account to any other person or entity. Originally founded in Piece Kong, the business has expanded to include worldwide clients from all walks of life in Hong Kong, Asia-Pacific, and all continents on the globe. Experienced Professional Matchmakers The team behind Professional Matchmakers has been in the forefront of matchmaking since the eighties. Register with us solo. If the Customer has not complied with these within two 2 Business Days, the Customer licenses the Company and its authorized representatives, during the term of the Agreement and for matchmaking for professionals 3 months after its termination, to enter the premises owned or occupied by the Customer during business hours, after medico reasonable notice, for the purpose of obtaining matchmaking for professionals information requested under subsections a and b outlined above in this paragraph. For sure you consider the past works of the designer and the feedback of clients.
We get to know our members instead of relying on profiles which leads to a higher match rate. Giovanna has a formal education in Emergency Medical Services, Paraoptometrics, and Commercial Photography. Notwithstanding this right of Professionals' Matchmaking, you remain solely responsible for the content of the materials you post in the public areas of the service and in your private e-mail messages.
Matching Procedure - Seeking Exclusive and Upscale Matchmaking Services? What summarize the best our matchmaking services.
Originally founded in Hong Kong, the business has expanded to include worldwide clients from all walks of life in Hong Kong, Asia-Pacific, and all continents on the globe. Our aim is to offer quality and safe matchmaking services that assure every potential couple relation is built on a. Please visit our and pages for more information about the Matchmaking services we provide to our clients. Welcome to arrive our page for matchmaking service now. Included also in our company's services is couple-relationship mediation. Couple-Relation Mediation is a skilled and highly valuable service which aims to enhance the built relationship of both married and unmarried couples. This service is highly esteemed by those who have successfully found partners and wish to enhance their relationship at different and critical stages in their lives. More information about this service is provided on the page. To Notice on Oct 2017: Radio Talk: Talk content click 'Online Dating Reality' by D100 RADIO Fixing upload now Article: Text content click by COCONUTS HONG KONG Our criteria of matching is generally be regarded as the Highest Standard of the matchmaking field. These criteria attract the Best Profiles of singles in the city and world-wide. Professionals' Matchmaking only introduces eligible-to-marry persons to our clients. BEING SINGLE is the most crucial criterion among all. Professionals' Matchmaking generally accepts the TERTIARY-EDUCATED applicants only. The notion behind is such applicants normally exhibit a higher level of intelligence, personal attributes, and insistency of improving their core quality. Professionals' Matchmaking is committed to match the life-rich but time-poor PROFESSIONALS from all walks of life. Here we attract a pool of quality persons who share a common ground to seek a reliable, compatible, and competent life-time partner. Professionals' Matchmaking invites mature age groups of MEN 28+ and LADIES 23+ who are earnest to search for their soulmates. Mature attitude of love search in these age groups enhances the successful rate of maintaining a hard-earned relationship. Professionals' Matchmaking values a person's integrity the paramount importance and proceeds with the matching process for the applicants who pass our MANDATORY BACKGROUND CHECK. This is to ensure every applicant is safe and honest to their crucial past and present life in our best effort. For the details of this part, please also refer to Mandatory Background Check of Matching Procedure. Couple problems can be easily dissolved by a third-party mediator who is professional to spot and narrow the gap in a built couple. In additional to our Marriage Matchmaking Consultancy for professional singles, Couple-Relation Mediation is our additional delicate humane service which aims to enhance the built relationship of both married and unmarried couples. Every couple has their specific issues in concern when they are cultivating their relation in reality. The common issues that we usually come across in Couple-Relation Mediation include: having children or not after marriage Here recall our common experience that perfect couples separate painfully as they cannot compromise on the issue of giving baby and are suffered from continuous pressure of conservative parents. Mediation gives the couples an excellent chance to consider the point of view of another one and compromise on a common point that is mutually accepted. The fee of each 1-hour Couple-Relation Mediation is HKD1,000. Please go to Registration, then choose 'Registration Form of Couple-Relation Mediation' and leave your contact information. You will be normally contacted for mediation appointment shortly in 3 working days. Please choose either Professionals' Matchmaking Consultancy or Couple-Relation Mediation by clicking on the relevant button. You will normally hear from us within 3 working days provided that your form is filled properly. Irregular forms with pseudo names, incomplete information, light-minded words, or apparent irregularity would be filtered to avoid pranksters. NOTICE ON 7 Jun 2018: Sorry that some technical problem on this Registration Page is being fixed. Please send email to info professionals-making. You will be greeted there. This policy specifically addresses the Company's obligations in respect of the data privacy laws of the Hong Kong SAR. The Company believes the principles embedded in the Ordinance offer no less protection in personal data privacy than those in other jurisdictions. As such, the Company undertakes to apply, where practicable, those principles and the processes set out herein to its operations locally. Where the Company's operations are subject to privacy legislation other than that of Hong Kong SAR, then this policy shall be applied so far as practicable and consistent with such local legislation. COMPANY CORPORATE POLICY The Company shall fully comply with the obligations and requirements of the Ordinance. The Company shall endeavour to ensure all collection, storage, transmission and other handling or usage of personal data by the Company shall be done in accordance with the obligations and requirements of the Ordinance. STATEMENT OF PRACTICES TYPES OF PERSONAL DATA COLLECTED For the purpose of carrying on the Company's businesses, including sale, provision, registration and administration of the Company's personal introduction, dating services and related services, you may be requested to provide personal data such as, but not limited to, the following, without which it may not be possible to satisfy your request: a Your name; b Academic qualification proof; c Current Employment Proof; d Income or Salary Proof; e Contact details, including contact name, telephone number and email address; or residential address proof, f Information for the verification of identity, including identification type and identification number. Upon request by the Company, the Customer shall provide the Company with information relating to the Customer and its use of the Service reasonably required by the Company: a to assist the Company in complying with its obligations under any Applicable Law and to report to any Government Agency regarding compliance with those obligations; and b to assess whether or not the Customer has complied, is complying and will be able to continue to comply with all its obligations under the Agreement. If the Customer has not complied with these within two 2 Business Days, the Customer licenses the Company and its authorized representatives, during the term of the Agreement and for three 3 months after its termination, to enter the premises owned or occupied by the Customer during business hours, after giving reasonable notice, for the purpose of obtaining any information requested under subsections a and b outlined above in this paragraph. In most cases, this type of data is optional although, where the requested service is a personalized service, or provision of a service is dependant on your providing all requested data, failure to provide the requested data may prevent the Company from providing the service to you. This type of data includes, but is not limited to: a Your age; b Gender; c Salary range and employment details; d Education and Profession; e Hobbies and leisure activities; f Height and Weight; g Other related services subscribed to; and h Family and relationship background. The Company's web servers may also collect data relating to your online session, the use of which is to provide aggregated, anonymous, statistical information on the server's usage so that the Company may better meet the demands and expectations of visitors to its sites. ACCURACY OF PERSONAL DATA Where possible, the Company will validate data provided using generally accepted practices and guidelines. This includes the use of check sum verification on some numeric fields such as account numbers or credit card numbers. In some instances, the data provided will be validated against pre-existing data held by the Company. The Customer shall, as soon as practicable, notify the Company of any change of address or any other particulars provided to the Company which may affect the provision of the Service to the Customer. RETENTION OF PERSONAL DATA The Company will destroy any personal data it may hold in accordance with its internal policy. In addition, personal data may be disclosed under any of the circumstances described in Part VIII of the Ordinance in which the concerned personal data are exempt from the provisions of Data Protection Principle 3 of the Ordinance. Where such a transfer is performed, it will be done in compliance with the requirements of the Ordinance. Access to records and data without appropriate management authorization are strictly prohibited. An individual may exercise his or her right of access by: a Meeting in person, along with appropriate identification, at the office of Professionals' Matchmaking Consultancy Company Limited. There, staff will verify your identity. The Company will, upon satisfying itself of the authenticity and validity of the access request, make every endeavour to comply with and respond to the request within the period set by the Ordinance i. An individual may exercise their right of correction by writing to the Company at the address listed below, specifying the data obtained through email, sms or whatsapp mentioned above which needs to be corrected. Upon satisfying itself of the authenticity and validity of the correction request, the Company will comply with and respond to the request as required by the Ordinance. DIRECT MARKETING In accordance with the requirements of the Ordinance, the Company will honour a client's request not to use his or her personal data for the purposes of direct marketing. Should you wish not to receive direct marketing material from the Company, please write to the Company at the address listed below. Any such request should clearly state details of the personal data in respect of which the request is being made. The information is provided by Professionals' Matchmaking Consultancy Co. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this website. Through this website you are able to link to other websites which are not under the control of Professionals' Matchmaking Consultancy Co. We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them. Every effort is made to keep the website up and running smoothly. However, Professionals' Matchmaking Consultancy Co. You must read and agree to these terms and conditions before you may access or view our site. Agreement ----------- a By accessing and using Professionals' Matchmaking site, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, our Privacy Policy and any other terms and conditions, notices and disclaimers displayed elsewhere on Professionals' Matchmaking site relating to your use of Professionals' Matchmaking Professionals' Matchmaking Terms. By registering for Professionals' Matchmaking, you become an applicant of Professionals' Matchmaking and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement the Terms for as long as you continue to be an applicant. If you do not agree to the terms, please do not register Professionals' Matchmaking. Application ----------- a When registering as a member of Professionals' Matchmaking, you must provide us with accurate, complete and up-to-date information as requested. Professionals' Matchmaking has the right to request you to show the supporting documents to prove your information provided to us, for example, Hong Kong Identity Card, any passport, address proof, employment letter, and relevant documents stated in the section of 'Mandatory Background Check'. It is your responsibility to inform us of any changes to that information. You may do this at any time by sending email to. You may not authorize others to use your membership, and you may not assign or otherwise transfer your account to any other person or entity. This prevents unauthorized access. Businesses, groups, organizations and companies are prohibited from registering as members. Professionals' Matchmaking must not be used for commercial endeavours, including selling products or services and sending unsolicited emails. Termination and Suspension --------------------------- a Either you or Professionals' Matchmaking may terminate your Professionals' Matchmaking application at any time, for any reason, without explanation, effective upon sending written notice to the other party. Services and Features ---------------------- a As a successful applicant, you are entitled to participate in Professionals' Matchmaking events and programs available on Professionals' Matchmaking. Further details and any additional terms and conditions including pricing relating to chargeable features and services will be made available on Professionals' Matchmaking site. Any such additional terms and conditions form part of the Professionals' Matchmaking terms. If you are unhappy with a change of pricing, you may choose to discontinue your use of Professionals' Matchmaking in accordance with the terms of Professionals' Matchmaking. We will review requests for refunds at our sole discretion. Safe Interaction, Complaints and Disputes ------------------------------------------ a It is your responsibility to take cautious when interacting with other matched clients of Professionals' Matchmaking. You should be careful to provide your contact details to any parties. Intellectual Property Rights ----------------------------- Professionals' Matchmaking owns and retains other proprietary rights in and relating to Professionals' Matchmaking. Professionals' Matchmaking contains the copyrighted materials, trademarks, and other proprietary information of Professionals' Matchmaking, its licensors and licensees. Proprietary rights in and relating to Professionals' Matchmaking must not be used in any way without Professionals' Matchmaking's prior written consent. You warrant that any contact that you post or transmit on Professionals' Matchmaking, or otherwise transmit to any other members of Professionals' Matchmaking by any other means, will not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party. By posting information or content to any public area of Professionals' Matchmaking, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to Professionals' Matchmaking and other Professionals' Matchmaking clients an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, fully-paid, worldwide license to use, copy, perform, display and distribute such information and content and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such information and content, and to grant and authorize sub-licenses of the foregoing. We respect the intellectual property rights of others, and expect that people who use the Professionals' Matchmaking site to do the same. To notify us of an alleged copyright infringement found on the Professionals' Matchmaking site, please contact us with the following information:- a Your contact information name, mailing address, telephone number and e-mail address. Identification of the material you claim infringes the copyrighted work, including its URL. After receiving notification of an alleged copyright infringement, Professionals' Matchmaking will remove or disable access to such content pending further review. External Activities -------------------- From time to time, Professionals' Matchmaking may promote, advertise, or sponsor functions, events, offers, products, services, contests or other activities that may be conducted offline and may be conducted by third parties. External activities may be subject to separate terms and conditions. You acknowledge that you participate in any external activities entirely at your own risk. In relation to external activities conducted by any third party even if such third party has been contracted by us or Professionals' Matchmaking is associated with such activity , Professionals' Matchmaking does not accept any liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense that you suffer or incur as a result of or in connection with your participation in such external activities. In relation to external activities conducted by Professionals' Matchmaking, to the maximum extent permitted by law, we exclude all implied respresentations and warranties which, but for the Professionals' Matchmaking Terms, might apply in relation to your participation in relation to such external activities. To the extent that our liability cannot be excluded by law, our maximum liability to you will be limited to the amount paid by you if any for your participation in the event. Third Party Websites and Advertising ------------------------------------- Professionals' Matchmaking may feature or display hyperlinks and pointers to websites operated by third parties at any time. Such websites do not form part of Professionals' Matchmaking and are not under our control. We do not accept any responsibility for the contents of any such hyperlink or linked website. If you link to any third party websites you leave Professionals' Matchmaking entirely at your own risk. From time to time, Professionals' Matchmaking may feature or display third party advertising. By featuring or displaying such advertising, we do not in any way represent that we recommend or endorse the relevant advertiser, its products or services. Complaints, Limitation of Liability and Indemnity -------------------------------------------------- To resolve a complaint regarding the Professionals' Matchmaking service, you should send a letter to the address on the or via email to. Professionals' Matchmaking specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Professionals' Matchmaking does not warrant that your use of the Professionals' Matchmaking service will be secure, uninterrupted, always available, or error-free, or will meet your requirements, or that any defects in the service will be corrected. Professionals' Matchmaking disclaims liability for, and no warranty is made with respect to, connectivity and availability. Limitation of liability ----------------------- In no event will Professionals' Matchmaking be liable to you for any incidental, consequential, or indirect damages including, but not limited to, damages for loss of data, loss of programs, cost of procurement of substitute services or service interruptions arising out of the use of or inability to use Professionals' Matchmaking, even if Professionals' Matchmaking or its agents or representatives know or have been advised of the possibility of such damages, or to any person other than you. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Professionals' Matchmaking's liability to you for any cause whatsoever, and regardless of the form of the action, will at all times be limited to the amount paid, if any, by you to Professionals' Matchmaking for the service during the term of membership. General -------- The Professionals' Matchmaking Terms represent the entire agreement between you and us regarding your use of Professionals' Matchmaking. If any provision of the Professionals' Matchmaking Terms is held to be invalid, the remainder of theProfessionals' Matchmaking Terms shall continue in full force and effect. You agree that the Professionals' Matchmaking Terms will be governed by the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Please carefully select the type of information that you post on the Professionals' Matchmaking service or release to others. Professionals' Matchmaking reserves the right, but has no obligation, to monitor the materials posted in the public areas of the Professionals' Matchmaking service. Professionals' Matchmaking shall have the right to remove any such material that in its sole opinion violates, or is alleged to violate, the law or this agreement. Notwithstanding this right of Professionals' Matchmaking, you remain solely responsible for the content of the materials you post in the public areas of the service and in your private e-mail messages. E-mails sent between you and other Professionals' Matchmaking clients that are not readily accessible to the general public will be treated as private by Professionals' Matchmaking to the extent required by applicable law. Unauthorized or generic use of Professionals' Matchmaking website is strictly prohibited. Site contents copyright of Professionals' Matchmaking Consultancy Company Limited..